I'm back from the Wild West (OK, Seattle), having jotted many thoughts about the journey in my new purse notes pad with cover art by Gianna Majzler (a.k.a. ZoZo the Magic Queen), my first find of the week (as always, there will be too many others to shake a stick at).
It was a very nice time, visiting good old friends and just generally relaxing, feeling like every day was Saturday (my favorite day), spending more money than I ever normally do and absorbing the ridiculous natural beauty of Puget Sound. Boy, are they ever blessed with that out there. I mean, I lived there for eight years so I got to enjoy it for a long time, but it still amazed me to clap eyes on it again. My only lament is that the mountains did not show themselves until the very last day I was there. Ooooh so sad, but worth it for the spectacular show in the end (photos to follow).
Souveniers-wise, aside from all the photos I took with my little pink camera, I had little space for anything (and I refuse to check luggage). This meant buying a lot of cards (for the images, mais oui) and a few small items from the Sanrio store. Funny story there about Hello Kitty getting me stopped at security.
I hope you are having yourself a fine third week of August. Before long it will be time to sharpen those pencils, polish those apples, and break out the schoolbooks.
p.s. My plane read "Darcy's Passions" wasn't all THAT, with an overly long third act and an overweeningly amorous Mr. Darcy. (I like my men a bit more reserved, he was an Englishman, after all). The true page turning pleasures came from the new Victoria magazine, their annual British issue. I dare you to miss it.
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