Sunday, February 14, 2010

Magazine Heaven!

Don't you just love it when you discover a new magazine you can really sink your teeth into quite happily?

I had seen Mary Janes Farm on the newsstands before and loved the look of it, but thought "Oh, this is really all about cooking and gardening stuff, and I don't do that so ... "

I passed.

Today I was at Barnes and Noble using the last of my XMAS gift card, and when I spied this cover -- look at those luscious colors, purples, plums and pinks with the light yellow border -- I thought "I have to have it just for the cover alone".

Surprise, surprise -- the insides are just as visually satisfying. The founder of the magazine states that "Farmgirl is a condition of the heart". I believe I fall squarely in the category of "Urban Farmgirl".

Mary Janes Farm is a confectionary concoction of Mary Engelbreit's Home meets Victoria meets Country Home (miss that one), with a heavy slant of cookery thrown in. Oh, and there is a very fun, authentically retro feel to a lot of the images ... none of which take themselves too seriously.

It is, therefore, FANTASTIC!

If your tastes are similar to mine, check it out.


  1. I love this magazine, too, and this is such a pretty issue. Love the article on collecting quilts and organic foods. I am just a farm girl at heart. Twyla
