Santa makes his first fly-by today at the end of the Macy's Parade. For me as a child this was the harbinger of the most exciting time of the year.
I remember many Thanksgiving days surrounded by extended family, tables laden with a bounty of delicious food, and the feeling of being a part of something pretty wonderful.
Today, I hope for every little girl, all around the world (and that includes the girls inside of us grown-up gals too) that same kind of comfort and excitement. Even if Santa isn't a part of their world, may they know the delicious anticipation of something to enjoy today and something to look forward to and hope for in the days and weeks to come.
Creator, shine the light of Love everywhere, for the girls we are, the girls we were, the little girls we know and all the little girls we'll never meet. We are precious and worthy, all of us. No matter where we live, the color of our skin, the language of our tongue, the circumstances of our lives, we are magnificent and special. Help us to know this of ourselves and one another, and to honor it fully.
Every one of us. Every day of our lives.

Nicely said! Amen! Twyla
ReplyDeleteA beautiful sentiment.
ReplyDeleteHappy Thanksgiving, Laurie!