Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Corgi crazy: Tasha Tudor

Well, the cat is now officially out of the bag as far as Corgis + me go. They are the supreme Dog of Dogs, and since I love all dogs this is really saying something. Something BiG.

Fellow Corgi enthusiast Tasha Tudor wasn't shy about her affinity for the breed. She lived until recently to a ripe old age in her beloved Vermont, tending animals and gardens and keeping house in a decidely old fashioned way, all the while continuing her lifelong pursuits in writing, illustration and homespun crafts. At one time she owned upwards of five Corgis, as well as a querrulous African gray parrot and a one-eyed cat. Some of my Tasha favorites include Corgiville Fair and the Great Corgiville Kidnapping. She wrote and/or illustrated dozens and dozens of books, but anything with the Corgi in it was (of course) a special favorite.

I don't own this one yet, but it's calling my name:

And I cannot recommend these titles highly enough: The Private World of Tasha Tudor (1992), Tasha Tudor's Garden (1994) and Tasha Tudor's Heirloom Crafts (2000).

You don't have to love Corgis to love Tasha, but it more than doubles the fun ;-).


  1. So why don't you own a corgi yet?? Just wondering! :)

  2. Kelly, I'd love to own a Corgi and someday I will! I live with three cats right now, one of which is mine and has been for nearly 15 years. She hates puppers and we are super close, so this would break her heart.

    For now I enjoy the occasional company of a neighbor's two Corgis, Heffie and Nattie, who I visit on my occasional strolls. They're stout but fast and have those smiles for miles!

  3. Understandable! I used to be a cat person and could never get another pet while my kitty was alive...I just like to spoil my pets :)
