The wonderful Kim McCole, proprietress (dare I hostess with the mostest) of Dear Daisy Cottage has now listed Buttercup Bungalow on her blog candy page!
Wow. Huuuuge honor.
Clearly I must step up my game ... which means, first off, blogging more frequently than in fits and starts every other month.
Daisy chain, daisy chain, daisy chain, I'm a part of the daisy chain! (Cue the not yet-self-satisfied smile of a neophyte blogger. Haven't eaten the canary yet!)
I'm off to unpack my new Johnson Brothers Old English Castles dishes. Two small transferware bowls (fingerbowls?) in red and white destined for use as catfood dishes. If you knew how much I love my cat and how picky I am about what she eats from, you'd understand that this is a good thing. English china for the cat ... of course!
Some rules are made to be broken.
YOU are TOO cute for words.